City of Utqiagvik Mayor

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Asisaun Toovak

City of Utqiagvik Mayor

Asisaun Toovak is the esteemed Mayor of Utqiaġvik, Alaska, a role she undertook in November 2022 following six years of dedicated service on the City Council. With a steadfast commitment to her community and a profound understanding of its needs, Mayor Toovak exemplifies principled leadership and tireless advocacy.

Mayor Toovak’s journey in public service began with her tenure as a city council member, where she honed her skills in governance and community engagement over the span of seven years. Prior to her municipal duties, she contributed her expertise to the US Arctic Research Commission’s Mental Health Working Group, demonstrating her dedication to advancing critical issues on a broader scale.

Drawing from her background as a Public Health Project Manager in the North Slope Borough Health & Social Services Prevention Program, Mayor Toovak has shown exceptional foresight and effectiveness in addressing public health challenges. Her proactive approach to healthcare and wellness reflects her unwavering commitment to the well-being of Utqiaġvik’s residents.

Proudly embracing her Inupiaq heritage, Mayor Toovak’s roots run deep in Utqiaġvik, where she was born and raised. Her upbringing, shaped by the teachings of her parents, Bertha and Joseph Panigeo Jr., instilled in her a profound appreciation for traditional activities such as hunting, whaling, and camping, which she continues to enjoy with her own family.

Mayor Toovak’s dedication to empowering the next generation is evident in her advocacy for youth initiatives and her longstanding involvement with the Utqiaġvik School Advisory Board. Additionally, her commitment to supporting vulnerable members of the community is underscored by her volunteer work at a Women’s Shelter, where she dedicated six years of service.

Educationally, Mayor Toovak pursued her passion for her cultural heritage by graduating from Iḷisaġvik College with an Associate of Arts degree in Iñupiaq Studies, further enriching her ability to connect with and serve her constituents.

As a person deeply rooted in her community, Mayor Toovak brings a wealth of experience, empathy, and insight to her role. Her leadership is characterized by a profound respect for tradition, a forward-thinking approach to governance, and an unwavering commitment to the well-being of all Utqiaġvik residents. We are privileged to have Mayor Toovak leading the northernmost city in the United States, guiding it towards a prosperous and resilient future.

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